The KIB Foundation is dedicated to containing and researching anomalies to protect the local population and the anomalies themselves. The foundation was founded in 2021 by John Strange and has finally been contracted to handle these Anomalies. Located in an abandoned coal mine filled with 20-foot storage containers, this startup foundation has found much success with the contracting and financing of these endeavors. This is the Story of the KIB foundation.
John Strange is considered to be an anomaly himself. He is known to be very handsome and smart by all of his colleagues, and he always knows the right thing to do when given any task. John’s KIB foundation is much better than those jackasses at the SIC (Secure Inquire and Contain), and his analogies are way more relaxed and could 100% beat theirs.
Agent Brash: Agent Brash is the group's muscle. He has military experience, and despite being really old, he is able to open all of the containers by himself, even though they get stuck all the time in the cold coal mines.
Agent Einstein: Agent Einstein is our top researcher in the KIB. Having gone to high school with me, he let me copy off his homework all the time, giving us both straight As throughout our education. Now, instead of paying him to do my homework, I now pay him to research my KIBs.
Agent Marley: Agent Marley doesn’t do much around the office. He hasn’t been the same after eating that one KIB, and now he is placed on a permanent stopper. We hope that this effect will eventually wear off, but until then, we feed him hot chips to keep him in the foundation because if he goes home high, his parents will kill me.
Agent Klinger: You ever watched MASH? Agent Klinger is the youngest of our group. Klinger had just started his first year in college and needed a job. After mistaking the KIB for a porn shoot, Agent Klinger found himself a home in the foundation and has been a great asset to our team. I don’t know why they decided to put themselves in danger while working for this organization, but something has kept him here. Also, he is a crass dresser and keeps flirting with the staff, but I don’t know if I'll get sued if I fire him.